Evergreen Homes


Evergreen Enterprises makes a variety of high-tech construction products for the different industry. Our cement additives, waterproof chemicals, cement bonding agents, AAC blocks, paints and other construction products are creating a quality driven basket in the market. We are into sustainable and eco-friendly construction materials. Evergreen always belives in consevation of the  nature thus, we innovate various green building products. 

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SuperJoint - AAC Block Adhesive

SuperJoint - AAC Block Adhesive

SuperJoint, is thin bed high strength, pre mixed, quality assured mortar comprising of ordinary portland cement, specially graded sand and polymers

Super Eco Joint - AAC Block Adhesive

Super Eco Joint - AAC Block Adhesive

Super Eco Joint, is thin bed high strength, pre mixed, quality assured mortar comprising of ordinary
portland cement, specially graded sand and polymers

Smart Fix - AAC Block Adhesive

Smart Fix - AAC Block Adhesive

Smart Fix, is thin bed high strength, pre mixed, quality assured mortar comprising of ordinary portland
cement,specially graded sand and polymers.

Super Strong Bond - AAC Block Adhesive

Super Strong Bond - AAC Block Adhesive

Super Strong Bond, is thin bed high strength, pre mixed, quality assured mortar comprising of ordinary portland cement, specially graded sand and polymers. I

Evergreen AAC Blocks

Evergreen AAC Blocks

Evergreen Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks are made out of Fly-Ash, Cement, Lime, Gypsum, Aluminium Powder & Water. 

Everplast - River Sand Ready Mix Plaster

Everplast - River Sand Ready Mix Plaster

Everplast is a cementitious ready mix plaster used for plastering work in a clean & speedy manner due to its high content in additive it allows better shrinkage control as well as improved workability

Everplast W - Wash Sand Ready Mix Plaster

Everplast W - Wash Sand Ready Mix Plaster

Everplast W is a cementitious ready mix plaster used for plastering work in a clean & speedy manner due to its high content in additive it allows better shrinkage control as well as improved workability

Tile Fixer Master

Tile Fixer Master

Tile Fixer Master is a polymer modified thinest tile adhesive for fixing ceramic tiles, in internal areas. It is suitable for both vertical and horizontal application

Tile Fixer Ultra

Tile Fixer Ultra

Tile Fixer Ultra is polymer modified cement-based construction adhesive that needs to be mixed for the
installation of ceramic tile & vitrified tiles

Tile Fixer Super 999

Tile Fixer Super 999

Tile Fixer Super 999 is highly polymer-based adhesive for fixing ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles and stones on interior floor wall and external floor

Tile Fixer Expert 325

Tile Fixer Expert 325

Tile Fixer Expet 325 is a highly polymer modified tile adhesive specially formulated for the installation of large format vitrified, porcelain, marble, granite & natural stone

Tile Fixer Pro 335

Tile Fixer Pro 335

Tile Fixer Pro 335 is flexible high polymer modified thin-set adhesive for fixing large format tiles, stone, granite with a low water absorption rate for both vertical and horizontal

Super Bondcrete

Super Bondcrete

Super Bondcrete is an acrylic emulsion formulated to be mixed with cement on site or simply brush applied over concrete or masonry surfaces

Super Bond SBR 500

Super Bond SBR 500

Super Bond SBR 500 is a milky-white, Styrene Butadiene Rubber emulsion, produced from styrene and butadiene. It is specially designed for use as a bonding agent in liquid consistency.

Super Flexibond

Super Flexibond

Super FlexiBond is a single component pure acrylic water based compound. It is a white pigmented compound, designed to use as a liquid applied water proofing membrane for outdoor.

Rubberflex Black

Rubberflex Black

Rubberflex Black is a single component ready to use chemically modified styrene based cold applied liquid membrane.

Super Patch - Fast Setting Concrete

Super Patch - Fast Setting Concrete

Super Patch is a cementitious pre-packed repair mortar with shrinkage compensation properties. It is supplied as single component powder

Ever Plast O Bond

Ever Plast O Bond

Ever Plast-O-Bond is a modified polymeric solutions specially formulated to achieve a stronger bonding between smooth concrete surface & cement plaster

Everpower Grout 60

Everpower Grout 60

Everpower Grout 60 is a free flow non shrink high strength cement-based expansive grout. It is developed by using special additives & graded filler

Everpower Grout 80

Everpower Grout 80

Everpower Grout 80 is a free flow non shrink high strength cement-based expansive grout. It is developed by using special additives & graded filler

Everpower Grout 80+

Everpower Grout 80+

Everpower Grout 80+ is a cement based ready to mix, high early strength, non shrink, pourable & flowable, high quality

Strong Hardtop NM

Strong Hardtop NM

String Hardtop NM is quality controlled factory blended powders which are ready to use on site. It is specially made with special hard

Strong Hardtop M

Strong Hardtop M

Strong Hardtop M is pre - mixed, dry shake surface hardner which is ready to use on site. It consist of specially selected & graded metallic

Super Gypbond

Super Gypbond

SUPER GYPBOND is a light green coloured liquid. Ready to use with high build bonding agent for adherin gypsum plaster and portland cement mixture on varied surface.

Tile Mortar

Tile adhesive is ready-mixed and specially formulated from OPC, selected fine sand, and additives to improve its essential properties for laying tiles.

Here's a pic of Superpoint construction glue firmly bonding materials.


Superjoint is a ready-to-use cementitious tile adhesive that guarantees a strong binding on concrete and plastered surfaces.

Image showing Wazir, a construction material used for structural support and stability.


Wazir is a ready mix cement Plaster in Maharashtra with high quality additives which can be used efficiently on blocks, bricks and concrete, walls as well as on stone surface

Super Power Grout

Super Power Grout is high strength, non-shrink, and Portland cement based precision grout with excellent high early and ultimate strengths.

AAC Block

Raw materials used to make a AAC Blocks are cement, sand/fly ash, lime & Water.

Tile mortar XT - ideal for construction project.

Tile Mortar XT

Evergreen Tile mortar XT is a high quality adhesion for permanent fixing of ceramic and vitrified tiles and for fixing of insulating & acoustic boards.


Evergreen texture paint is commnly used on outer surfaces of the building for greater coverage.It also help in reducing water leakages on external wall.

Waterproofing construction material, essential for protecting structures from water damage.

Water Proofing

EVERproof 2K is a two-component cementitious and acrylicpolymer flexible waterproofing and protection coating.

Image showing Wazir, a construction material used for structural support and stability.


Wazir is a ready mix cement Plaster in Maharashtra with high quality additives which can be used efficiently on blocks, bricks and concrete, walls as well as on stone surface

ACC Block

ACC cement blocks are construction blocks constructed from ACC cement. Construction uses ACC cement blocks because they are lightweight, sturdy, and thermally insulated.

ACC Block

ACC cement blocks are construction blocks constructed from ACC cement. Construction uses ACC cement blocks because they are lightweight, sturdy, and thermally insulated.

Tile Mortar XT

Evergreen Tile mortar XT is a high quality adhesion for permanent fixing of ceramic and vitrified tiles and for fixing of insulating & acoustic boards.


Evergreen texture paint is commnly used on outer surfaces of the building for greater coverage.It also help in reducing water leakages on external wall.


Everplast is a ready mix cement plaster with high quality additives which can be used efficiently on bricks, blocks, and stone walls as well as on concrete surfaces.


Everplast is a ready mix cement plaster with high quality additives which can be used efficiently on bricks, blocks, and stone walls as well as on concrete surfaces.


Wazir is one of the best a ready mix cement Plaster in Pune with high quality additives which can be used efficiently on blocks, bricks and concrete, walls as well as on stone surface

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Cost Effective

We offer low cost and

Environment Friendly

Our idea is

Premium Quality

Quality is our priority since you are building your dream.

On Time Delivery

You don't have to wait we are
never late.

Quality is our priority since you are building your dream.

Premium Quality

We offer low cost and economical products.

Cost Effective

You don't have to wait we are never late.

On Time Delivery

Our idea is sustainable development

Environment Friendly

Build Strong
Build Green
Build With Evergreen



Project Planning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet messa. consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.


Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus sodales amet.

General Contracting

Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet.

Interior design

Maecenas tempus, tellus eget sed condimentum sem rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing.


Best quality product in market which requires no time and cheaper as compared to other brands. It is a great option for sand.

Evergreen products is best in quality plaster ever. The plaster is beneficial for building constructions and it is very easy to use.


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